Play your favorite music – just be sure to mute it during client phone calls. It doesn’t matter how loud you play it, who are you going to disturb? (Sometimes my husband will work from home too so I have to be quieter then)
Put up fun twinkle lights around your desk
Deck out your office with fun gadgets from places like Office Playground
Put up artwork from your kids and favorite pictures of playtime
I have a stuffed animal collection – all the adorable little cuties Michael’s given me since we met
Create nooks in your office that inspire you and bring happiness to your soul (here is where I’ve created my Castle).
Have your pet provide comic relief – our pet Patches is a nut, and we’ve decided she’s our Director of Puplick Relations.
The list of things you can do to make your day fun while working from home are endless. Use your imagination, and remember, it’s YOUR space – go crazy!
[caption id="attachment_572" align="alignleft" width="168"]
Castle Nook[/caption]]]>
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