
7 Essential Software Tools for Virtual Office Assistants

Image by Kathy McCabe & OpenAI

In today’s digital age, virtual office assistants are more vital than ever. Equipped with the right software, they can efficiently handle tasks, stay organized, and manage multiple clients with ease. Here are seven indispensable software tools for virtual office assistants, along with their pros and cons.

  1. Trello

I use Trello with several clients and it does help with the workflow – especially with the need for multiple hands on projects.

– User-Friendly Interface: Trello’s drag-and-drop feature makes task management simple and intuitive.
– Customizable Boards: Users can create boards, lists, and cards to organize tasks in a way that suits their workflow.
– Collaboration: Easy to share boards with team members or clients.

– Limited Free Version: Some advanced features are only available in the paid version.
– Overwhelming for Large Projects: May not be suitable for very complex project management needs.

– [Trello](

  1. Slack

– Real-Time Communication: Enables quick and easy communication with team members.
– Integration with Other Tools: Integrates with a variety of other software, enhancing productivity.
– Channels: Helps organize conversations by topics, projects, or teams.

– Notification Overload: Can become overwhelming if not managed properly.
– Learning Curve: Some users may find it takes time to get used to all the features.

– [Slack](

  1. Todoist

– Task Management: Simple and effective task management with priorities and deadlines.
– Cross-Platform: Available on various platforms including web, mobile, and desktop.
– Integration: Integrates with tools like Gmail, Slack, and Google Calendar.

– Limited Free Version: Some features like reminders are only available in the premium version.
– Customization: Not as customizable as some other task management tools.

– [Todoist](

  1. Zoom

– High-Quality Video Calls: Reliable video and audio quality for virtual meetings.
– Screen Sharing: Useful for presentations and collaborative work.
– Recordings: Meetings can be recorded for future reference.

– Security Concerns: There have been issues with unauthorized access (though improvements have been made).
– Time Limit on Free Plan: Free version limits group meetings to 40 minutes.

– [Zoom](

  1. Microsoft 365

Hands down my favorite tool for productivity.

– All-in-One: Includes Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
– Collaboration: Real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
– Cloud Storage: Secure cloud storage for easy access from anywhere.

– Subscription Cost: Requires a subscription, which can be pricey for some users.
– Complexity: The range of features can be overwhelming for new users.

– [Microsoft 365](

  1. LastPass

– Password Management: Securely stores passwords and other sensitive information.
– Convenience: Auto-fills login details for websites and applications.
– Security: Strong encryption and multi-factor authentication.

– Subscription Fee: Premium features require a paid subscription.
– Learning Curve: Some users may find it complicated to set up initially.

– [LastPass](

  1. Canva

– Ease of Use: Intuitive design tool suitable for beginners and professionals.
– Templates: Wide range of templates for social media, presentations, and more.
– Collaboration: Teams can work together on designs in real-time.

– Limited Free Version: Advanced features and assets are available only in the paid version.
– Export Options: Some users find the export options limited compared to professional design software.

– [Canva](

Choosing the right tools can significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of a virtual office assistant. While each of these tools has its pros and cons, their combined capabilities cover a broad spectrum of essential functions, from project management and communication to design and security. Evaluate your specific needs and budget to select the tools that best fit your workflow.

Feel free to share this article with fellow virtual assistants or anyone looking to optimize their remote work setup. Each tool mentioned has the potential to make a significant positive impact on daily operations.

Climate Change Events: Finding the Ideal Residence for Remote Workers

Image by Pexels

As climate change continues to impact our world, more and more people are thinking about relocating to areas less susceptible to natural disasters. Remote workers in particular have the freedom to choose where they live and work, making this decision a little easier. However, moving to a new area is never easy, and it’s important to consider multiple factors before making a decision. Today our guest writer, Eleanor Wyatt provides some tips and resources specifically for remote workers who are thinking about moving because of climate change-related events.

 Compare Living Expenses

Before making a final decision about moving to a new area, you should compare the cost of living in your current location to the cost of living in the new area. Make sure to factor in everything, including rent or mortgage, utilities, food, entertainment, and transportation costs. Living in a different area with lower costs of living might help you save more money in the long run.

Dust Off Your Resume

If your current job doesn’t suit your needs, you could always update your resume and look for another. Obviously, that can be a bit stressful, but you can give yourself a big advantage over the competition if you use online resources and find out how to write a resume so that it’ll really emphasize those hard-won skills. Also, it’s a good idea to brush up on your interview skills and practice your responses to questions that prospective employers might ask if and when you make it to the interview stage.

Know the Local Laws

Understanding environmental laws and regulations in a potential new home is crucial for remote workers moving due to climate change. Different states and cities have different environmental policies and regulations, which can impact daily life, especially if one is passionate about sustainability. Therefore, it’s important to research these laws and regulations thoroughly before making a final decision on where to move.

Energy-Efficient Homes

When searching for a new home, look for features that can help you save money on energy bills while reducing your carbon footprint. notes that some examples of energy-efficient features include double-paned windows, insulation, and solar panels. While these features could be a little more expensive up front, they can help you save money in the long run while also helping to reduce your impact on the environment.

Observe the Weather

If you’re moving to an area susceptible to natural disasters, it’s essential to monitor weather forecasts regularly. Travelers suggests creating an emergency preparedness kit with all the necessary supplies in case of a natural disaster. Make sure you have a plan in place in case of evacuation or shelter-in-place orders.

Participate in the Community

Connecting with the community is crucial when moving to a new area. Join local groups or clubs that share your interests, and attend community events. Getting involved in the community can help you make new friends, learn about local environmental issues, and get more engaged in efforts to protect the environment.


 Volunteering for local environmental organizations is an excellent way for remote workers to contribute positively to the environment while connecting with their new community. By finding organizations that align with their values and interests, remote workers can offer their time and skills to make a difference in their new homes. Volunteering provides an opportunity to make meaningful connections and be a part of something bigger than oneself.

Business Matters

There are also some special considerations to keep in mind when you’re either moving your business or planning on starting a business in your new location. There are various types of business structures, and choosing the right one takes a little research. An LLC is a popular choice, as it comes with certain tax advantages, limited asset liability, and operational flexibility.

Remote workers who are moving due to climate change-related events need to be thorough in their research of the new area. By comparing the cost of living, dusting off your resume, and getting involved in your community, remote workers can make a smoother and safer transition. Overall, preparing in advance and being aware of the potential climate-related challenges in the new area can help remote workers successfully adjust to their new homes.

Hilltop Secretarial Service is here to help you streamline your efficiency. Call 877-897-1859.

 By Eleanor Wyatt

The Benefits of Working Remotely

Home office worker created by Kathy McCabe and OpenAI
Home office worker created by Kathy McCabe and OpenAI

Remote work has evolved from a niche practice to a mainstream business strategy, largely accelerated by technological advancements and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Personally, I’ve been working remotely from my home office – or the Treehouse Office – since 1996 and can’t imagine ever working in a traditional office again. Here are some benefits to working remotely:

  1. Increased Productivity

Contrary to some traditional beliefs, remote work often leads to increased productivity. Without the distractions of a busy office environment, many employees find they can focus better on their tasks. Studies have shown that remote workers are often more productive due to fewer interruptions, more comfortable work environments, and the ability to work during their peak productive hours.

  1. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

One of the most significant advantages of remote work is the flexibility it offers. Employees can often set their schedules, allowing them to work when they are most productive. This flexibility extends to balancing personal and professional responsibilities, leading to improved work-life balance. Parents, for instance, can better manage childcare, and all employees can more easily attend to personal errands or health appointments.

  1. Cost Savings

Both employees and employers can realize substantial cost savings through remote work. Employees save on commuting expenses, work attire, and meals. Employers can reduce overhead costs related to office space, utilities, and office supplies. These savings can be significant, especially for businesses in high-rent areas.

  1. Access to a Global Talent Pool

Remote work removes geographical barriers, enabling companies to hire the best talent regardless of location. This access to a global talent pool can be particularly beneficial for specialized roles where the best candidates might not be within commuting distance. It also allows companies to operate across different time zones, potentially offering 24/7 customer service and support.

  1. Environmental Benefits

Remote work contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the need for daily commuting. Fewer cars on the road lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduced air pollution, and decreased demand for public transportation. Additionally, less office space translates to lower energy consumption.

  1. Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Employees who work remotely often report higher job satisfaction. The flexibility and autonomy that come with remote work can lead to happier employees who feel more trusted and valued. This satisfaction can translate into higher retention rates, saving companies the costs associated with high turnover.

  1. Health and Wellness

Remote work can positively impact employees’ health and wellness. The flexibility to create a comfortable and ergonomic workspace, the ability to prepare healthier meals at home, and the reduction of stress associated with commuting all contribute to better overall well-being. Furthermore, remote workers can more easily integrate physical activity into their day, leading to improved physical health.

  1. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration Tools

The rise of remote work has spurred the development of advanced communication and collaboration tools. Platforms like Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Asana have become integral to maintaining connectivity and productivity. These tools facilitate seamless communication, project management, and team collaboration, ensuring that remote teams can work effectively and cohesively.

  1. Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity

Remote work can be a critical component of a company’s disaster preparedness and business continuity plans. Whether dealing with natural disasters, pandemics, or other emergencies, the ability to work remotely ensures that businesses can continue operations with minimal disruption.

The benefits of working remotely are numerous and multifaceted, offering advantages to both employees and employers. From increased productivity and cost savings to enhanced flexibility and employee satisfaction, remote work is transforming the modern workplace. As technology continues to evolve and more companies embrace this model, the future of work is likely to be increasingly remote, bringing with it new opportunities and challenges.


  1. Bloomberg, “Remote Work Boosts Productivity,” [source](
  2. Forbes, “Why Remote Work Is More Productive,” [source](
  3. Harvard Business Review, “How Remote Work Improves Work-Life Balance,” [source](
  4. CNBC, “Cost Savings for Remote Workers,” [source](
  5. Global Workplace Analytics, “Financial Benefits of Remote Work,” [source](
  6. LinkedIn, “Global Talent Pool in Remote Work,” [source](
  7. Environmental Protection Agency, “Environmental Benefits of Telecommuting,” [source](
  8. Scientific American, “Remote Work’s Impact on the Environment,” [source](
  9. Gallup, “Remote Workers Report Higher Job Satisfaction,” [source](
  10. Healthline, “Health Benefits of Working From Home,” [source](
  11. TechCrunch, “The Rise of Remote Collaboration Tools,” [source](
  12. Wired, “Best Tools for Remote Work,” [source](
  13. Business Insider, “Remote Work and Business Continuity,” [source](

I’m a Contractor, not an Employee

Hey there, fellow freelancers and contractors! Today, let’s talk about something that can be a bit tricky: keeping your clients from treating you like an employee. We’ve all been there – getting bogged down with tasks that weren’t in the original agreement or feeling like we’re at their beck and call 24/7. It’s time to set some boundaries and keep things professional while still delivering top-notch work.

Set Clear Expectations from the Start

One of the best ways to avoid being treated like an employee is to be crystal clear about what you’re offering from day one. Outline your services, deliverables, timelines, and communication channels in your contract or agreement. This sets the tone for a professional relationship where both parties know what to expect.

Communicate Proactively

Don’t wait until issues arise to communicate with your client. Regular check-ins can help you stay on the same page and address any concerns before they become bigger problems. It also shows that you’re proactive and committed to delivering quality work.

Define Boundaries

It’s essential to establish boundaries early on. Let your client know when you’re available for calls or meetings and when they can expect deliverables. Avoid responding to work-related messages outside of your agreed-upon hours unless it’s an emergency. Respect goes both ways, and setting boundaries helps maintain a healthy working relationship.

Be Assertive

If your client starts asking for tasks that weren’t part of the original scope or agreement, don’t be afraid to speak up. Politely remind them of what was agreed upon and offer to discuss any changes or additions separately. Being assertive shows that you value your time and expertise.

Offer Solutions, Not Just Problems

If you encounter issues or challenges during a project, don’t just present the problem to your client. Offer potential solutions or alternatives. This demonstrates your problem-solving skills and proactive approach to finding solutions, which can strengthen your client’s trust in you.

Know When to Say No

Sometimes, a client may ask for something that doesn’t align with your expertise or values. In such cases, it’s okay to say no respectfully. Explain why you’re declining the request and offer alternatives if possible. Remember, it’s better to maintain your integrity than to take on work that doesn’t suit you.

Evaluate the Relationship

Periodically evaluate your working relationship with each client. Are they respecting your boundaries and agreements? Are they appreciative of your work and efforts? If you find yourself consistently feeling undervalued or overworked, it may be time to reassess the partnership or consider parting ways amicably.

In conclusion, keeping clients from treating you like an employee requires clear communication, setting boundaries, being assertive, and knowing when to say no. By maintaining professionalism and mutual respect, you can foster healthy and productive relationships that benefit both parties.

Keep freelancing like a boss!


Kathy ~ TheBestVA


Guest Article: The World is your Office: A Digital Nomad’s Guide

Image via Freepic

In today’s interconnected world, the dream of working from anywhere has become a reality for many. Digital nomads, those who embrace a location-independent lifestyle, have paved the way for innovative career choices that allow you to earn a living while exploring the globe. In this article from Eleanor Wyatt of Remote Work Wellness, we’ll explore seven unique career paths for aspiring digital nomads, from cryptocurrency trading to becoming a dropshipping magnate. These opportunities not only promise financial stability but also offer the allure of freedom and adventure.

 Cybersecurity Professional

In today’s digital age, where data security is critical, becoming a cybersecurity professional presents both challenges and rewards. The good news is that a cybersecurity degree can be earned online. If you’re looking for a reputable online cybersecurity program to significantly enhance your skill set, this page deserves a look. These specialized programs provide comprehensive knowledge in protecting computers and network systems from cyber threats, enabling you to safeguard the digital assets of businesses and individuals, a vital role in our technological world.

Cryptocurrency Trader and Educator

In the dynamic realm of digital currency, the role of a cryptocurrency trader and educator is both lucrative and exciting. As a trader, you can delve into the world of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies, leveraging market trends to generate income. Additionally, the burgeoning interest in cryptocurrency provides a fertile ground for educating others. By conducting online workshops or creating educational content, you can share your expertise and guide novices through the complexities of cryptocurrency trading.

Remote User Experience (UX) Consultant

As a remote UX consultant, you possess the power to shape the digital landscape. Your role involves enhancing the usability and appeal of websites, apps, and software. By collaborating with global clients, you ensure that digital platforms offer seamless, user-friendly experiences. This career not only feeds your creative spirit but also allows you to connect with diverse cultures and businesses, enriching your professional and personal growth.

 Online Health and Wellness Coach

In the realm of health and wellness, the digital age has opened new avenues. As an online coach, you can guide clients worldwide on their wellness journey. Utilizing video conferencing and personalized digital platforms, you offer expert advice on nutrition, exercise, and mental health. This career not only contributes to the well-being of others but also allows you to maintain a healthy, mobile lifestyle, embodying the principles you teach.  Another link that would be beneficial to look at is Herbal Journals, which is Kathy McCabe’s other endeavor.

 Virtual Interior Designer

Architectural Digest notes that the world of interior design has transcended physical boundaries, thanks to virtual reality and 3D modeling technologies. As a virtual interior designer, you design dream spaces for clients around the globe. Your work involves creating digital models and virtual tours, enabling clients to visualize their future homes or offices. This career combines artistic flair with technological savvy, offering a unique blend of creativity and innovation.

 International Legal Consultant

Clio points out that the field of international law offers a fascinating career for digital nomads. As an international legal consultant, you provide remote legal services, specializing in diverse legal frameworks and international regulations. Your expertise helps businesses navigate the complexities of global operations, ensuring legal compliance across different jurisdictions. This career not only challenges your intellect but also offers a window into the diverse legal landscapes of the world.

 E-commerce Drop Shipping Magnate

The e-commerce sector is ideal for digital nomads, allowing them to sell globally through dropshipping without handling inventory. This path leverages online retail’s extensive reach and digital marketing techniques. As a dropshipping entrepreneur, you enjoy the freedom of travel while running a thriving business.

 As the digital world continues to evolve, so do the opportunities for digital nomads. Whether you choose to trade cryptocurrencies, consult on user experience, coach in health and wellness, design virtually, enhance cybersecurity, provide legal counsel globally, or run an e-commerce empire, these innovative career choices offer the freedom to work from anywhere. Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and embark on a journey that combines work and adventure like never before. The horizon is vast, and the possibilities are endless for those willing to explore.

Hilltop Secretarial Service is here to help you improve efficiency and productivity. Call 877-897-1859.


Eleanor Wyatt, Remote Work Wellness