Must Have iPad App: Air Display

I am in love with a new (new to me!) iPad app!  Air Display allows you to add an additional screen to your desktop (PC or Mac) and at $9.99 is far less expensive than a new monitor (available in the iTunes store). Anyone who knows me also knows I love screen real estate.  I have an extra monitor on my desktop, my phone system is digital and on my laptop, and now, with Air Display, I can drag windows from my desktop right onto my iPad (I use it for my website visitor monitoring, webcam window so far I’m sure I’ll find more!) and be even more productive! For me it’s a no-brainer, this is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Speaking on investments, I was reading the 17 trading books and got some great ideas on how I can invest and make money. So now, I’m using my iPad even more as an extension to my office. When I’m away from the office, I log in using’s Ignition, and at the desk, I easily incorporate a third screen. Now that I have it, I wonder why I never invested in a third screen before! 🙂 Thank you Ed Kaplan for the heads up! (One thing to note, it would be efficient to use a power supply with it since it is always ‘on’ and doesn’t allow the iPad to sleep.) WP_20130823_007 WP_20130823_006 WP_20130823_002 Make it a great day! Kathy McCabe]]>

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