
Working Remotely Several others use the free version of, and I prefer the I’m InTouch service with As for a favorite, I would have to say for the fact they have a free version – it doesn’t allow for file transfer, or remote printing, but that can be ‘gotten around’ when also using an online file cabinet, and upload the file needing remotely printed there, or printing it to a PDF first, then transferring via email or online file cabinet. My desktop has a corner devoted to shortcuts to logging into various client computers, links to my remote file cabinets, and on the laptop, there are also a number of shortcuts to various web email portals for the clients. Other invaluable solutions in my arsenal, the online file folder I subscribe to via Various instant messenger programs and my voip phone system! 🙂 So, its back to sleep for me for a little while, hopefully this bug runs its course quickly and I can get back to my routine. Meanwhile, be well, and have a productive day. Kathy  ~thebestva]]>

Social Networking & Blogging

personal blog, a business blog, and a newsletter blog…. not to mention posting to client blogs! I’m also on twitter, linkedin, facebook…. and I know I’m not as ‘connected’ as many of you are! So being somewhat lazy, and largely disorganized I decided to look for one place to post to all the social networks I belong to, and all my blogs at the same time. I found for the networks, which is really very nice but I haven’t figured out how to post to the blogs yet, although it says you should be able to. What makes this my social network updater of choice is two things, first, it doesn’t require I download an application that is kept running in the background, and second, its free. Truly love it! Meanwhile, its pretty easy to post to all my blogs using The Journal software after setting up the blog profiles in the tools menu. I’ve used The Journal for many years, having transitioned to an electronic, secure journal that let me keep my privacy. (You can probably guess that my journals were read without invitation in the past.) Well worth the price for the very user friendly application. I’ll be upgrading my older 4.1 version to the 5.0 version. Well, wait a minute… does this mean I might be more organized than I thought? Nah! Wishful thinking! Make it a great day! Kathy thebestva]]>

On being disorganized (In some areas)…

here. On the business front, here are a few reminders for the end/beginning of year to do list:

  1. Send out your sub-contractor/contractor tax forms (for non-employees in the US, this is a 1099-MISC form and they are due out by the end of January).
  2. Create your New Year goals (not resolutions, GOALS).
  3. Review your previous year accomplishments and those still things still to be done. Be sure to bring forward those things you’d still like to accomplish, and list them at the top of your New Year Goals list.
  4. Begin putting together your documents for tax preparation (receipts, invoices, statements and so on) for either your accountant or if you complete your taxes yourself, in your tax folders.  (I’m a huge proponent of Turbo-Tax Home & Business)
  5. Prepare yourself for a prosperous and fun 2010!
Thank you, Kathy Ritchie, Editor, RSS Herald]]>