Guest Article: Going Global: A Guide to Researching International Markets

Going Global: A Guide to Researching International Markets

Conducting successful international market research is no easy feat. With different cultures, languages, and economic climates all playing a role in the research process, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why Guest Writer, Eleanor Wyatt has come up with this comprehensive guide to help you get started.

Recognize Opportunities

Before you even start the research process, it is important to identify potential opportunities for your business in international markets. Look for countries or regions with economies similar to your own that could benefit from your products or services. This will help narrow down your target market and focus your efforts on researching those areas more closely.

Choose a Market to Target

Once you have identified potential opportunities, it’s time to determine who exactly will be targeted with your product or service. Are you targeting a particular age group? Gender? Income level? Your target demographic should be clearly defined before proceeding with any further research.

Content Localization and Translation

International marketing can often require content translation and localization in order to effectively reach different countries or regions. It’s important to ensure that all translations are accurate and localized appropriately, as content that is not localized properly may be ineffective in each region or country. Translating content not only helps increase its effectiveness but can also help you build trust with people in other cultures and countries.

Competitor Research

It’s always wise to do some research on competitors who may already be operating in the same market as you. This will give you an idea of what strategies they are using as well as how successful they have been so far. You can use this information to create a competitive advantage for yourself when entering the international market.

Boost Your Website

Optimizing your website with firmographic, behavioral, and geographical data can help you target potential survey participants more precisely. You can build an audience that matches the criteria you need, such as location, interests, job title, company size, etc. Updating your website regularly with high-quality content can also be a useful way to help it gain traction on search engines.

Recruiting Top-Notch Participants

Incentivizing market research participation with gift cards through an easy-to-use gift card API has become a popular strategy to improve engagement, response rates, and data accuracy. Digital gift cards are desirable, budget-friendly, and effective in driving high-quality responses. Not only do they appeal to a wide range of respondents, but they also allow for streamlined disbursements and continued engagement with participants. Moreover, some gift card APIs automate gift card delivery, resulting in increased response rates and return on ad spend. The added advantage of using an online platform is the ability to manage and track sales and redemptions online, providing real-time insight into the effectiveness of the incentive program.

Data Gathering and Analysis

Finally, once the data is collected, experts must analyze it and gain a deeper understanding of the language and culture of the survey in order to truly understand customer behavior across different cultures. This analysis can provide your business with an informed understanding of its target markets, which is essential before any campaigns or products are launched. By taking the time to collect and analyze data, you can create more tailored campaigns that best suit your target audiences.


Successfully conducting international market research requires a significant investment of time and effort. When done correctly, the payoff can be huge. If your business is looking to expand beyond your local borders into lucrative global markets, you must identify potential opportunities, recruit qualified survey participants, optimize websites, analyze data, and translate and localize content in order to successfully navigate foreign markets.

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Eleanor Wyatt is with Remote Work Wellness which is a blog featuring hacks for staying healthy while working remotely. 

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