article about productivity. I’m already using a couple of them:
- TV: Adam says to put on a station you wouldn’t watch just to have noise, that’s very helpful to me also in that it tends to distract me from my tinnitus.
- Wear Dress Clothes: I generally wear a nice top (Or at least not a torn t-shirt or pajamas… 🙂 it makes me feel more ‘at work and in the moment’.
- I use for productivity is to keep the cell phone downstairs, or turned off and out of my line of site.
- I like to keep my iPad on my desk, but its generally closed unless I’m working on an article or book.
- I keep my email up on the second screen, however I don’t check it often. In between projects is generally my time to checking and weeding email. I prioritize, client email always first, everything else comes second. Newsletters I generally read after work hours.
- I use a webcam. Many years ago I added a webcam for the ‘virtual but real’ aspect. I can’t tell you how many times I’m heard “Does virtual mean you’re not really there?” Its an added bonus to those who are looking to use my services, I’m actually there, at my desk and working. Its a boost to my clients’ confidence in me. I don’t use an expensive service, but I do use a fairly decent webcam, auto focus is a must, and it should be one that doesn’t require tons of extra software. I use which is a free service, and I’ve embedded the webcam applet into my page. Check it out here.
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