Cool Keyboard by Kathy McCabe[/caption]
Its the time we all hate, eyesight is getting worse, floaters are having a field day when you’re trying to work on the computer. And…. now you’re all squinty eyed at keyboards. I
You’ve already customized your screen so that everything is bigger…. You have your Kindle app set for giant print… And you live everyday as a photographer who’s best friend is her telephoto lens… Yup, you’ve got aging eyes.
Now, the latest in a long line of changes comes along in the form of a giant print – illuminated – keyboard. This thing has giant letters back-lit on keys you can’t miss seeing. I chose the Adesso ergonomic ‘illuminated’ keyboard. I chose it because of the letter size on the keys. I’m used to a keyboard that is raised up on the wrist side and the new keyboard is flat. So, I “MacGyvered” a lift from old parts so its now lifted properly.
My only issue now (other than getting used to the slight change in layout) is that the keyboard is LOUD Very LOUD… clackity noise such as I’ve never heard before… Ugh… I’m sure I’ll get used to it but for now I think I’ll be hearing the keys in my sleep!
Don’t believe me? Listen to this!
Go ahead, I dare you!
[audio mp3=""][/audio]
See what I mean? Oh well, I’ll get used to it. And, although there are loads of great ergonomic keyboards out there, finding an illuminated isn’t as easy – at least at a rate I want to pay. So, I’ll wear this one out, maybe it will become more quiet over time. You think?]]>
Lights, Action, Keyboards