Recently, while driving with Michael to my parent’s farm in Sterling I had plenty of time for reflection. As we passed through places like Last Chance, Atwood, Woodrow and Hillrose, I saw many homes dead and abandoned. The family farm or ranch bought out by corporations with the decaying dwellings of the former owners left to time. I realized just how true that the family farm and ranch is slowly coming to an end. I saw further signs of the times with makeshift signs for Sheriff’s on farm trucks, and gas stations turned into homes.
I also realized, as a virtual assistant, how blessed I am to be working in such a way that my geography literally doesn’t matter, as long as I have an internet connection and phones (which I can get online). In this economy, a virtual assistant can thrive because of the abundance of work. Knowing the abundance of work comes from the fact that many of our clients have let go staff is a bitter knowledge, but one that must be accepted. The work must still be done.
I realized that these tiny places like Last Chance which didn’t even have a gas station, could still house a thriving virtual assistant. That Woodrow, with its handful of buildings, could still be a hub of activity.
As virtual assistants we are blessed to be able to both have a viable career, and extremely satisfying life.
I for one, am truly grateful for this industry.
Kathy Ritchie, ~thebestva]]>
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