Clara Fyffe

I wanted to post an update on Clara Fyffe here for everyone. Clara Fyffe, one of my greatest inspirations, who has persevered through so many trials and is facing her biggest one yet. She has lung cancer and has had different diagnoses/prognosis. One doctor says only a matter of months, and the other says perhaps a year and a half. Now, they seem to be arguing with each other instead of fighting together to save her. Go figure. Still, she is an amazing woman and I’m so proud to know her. She still is so funny and makes me laugh. Clara you’re my hero! I just spoke with her, and finally her treatment begins today. She is still very much alone there, with her family seemingly otherwise occupied, except for her son in WI. I am requesting you please send her thoughts and prayers, and if you feel like it, cards and letters. Her address again is: Clara Fyffe 532 Blackfoot Drive Ellettsville, IN 47429 And her phone is 812-935-8008. She isn’t on the computer much these days, it’s too painful to sit at the desk for long. If you would like, you can email me your letters and I’ll send them to her when I send along the next batch of goodies. Bless you all, thank you for keeping her in your thoughts. Kathy Ritchie ]]>

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