Ok… I get it… I need to be marketing with social media… But it’s crazy trying to navigate all the different platforms, and trying to find one that isn’t confusing as all get out is… well… confusing! Not to mention finding one that will work with all the ‘streams’ such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, pinterest, and who knows what all else.
I don’t like to be distracted by all the different apps open and flashing or beeping or dinging all the time while I’m trying to work. I don’t even check email (manually I mean by pressing the send/receive button) all that often. Every once in a while I’ll have a little note pop up saying I have new items in my inbox, and if I’m not busy at that moment I might check on it. I really don’t like distractions! 🙂
For me, it used to be that social networking was rather more personal than professional. Facebook was a place where all my friends get together, Twitter was the place to catch who was catching a cab (or whatever) at that moment, LinkedIn was the place to put my “professional” profile, and when Pinterest came along it was the place to put all those things you just thought were cool or pretty or you couldn’t live without up for others to learn about what makes you tick.
I’m looking for an “all in one” option for my social network/marketing. And I’d actually prefer it to be on my iPad… that way I can literally close the distractions down until I have time to browse. Ideally I’d love something that had all the social sites I belong to but I haven’t found one.
I’ve tried HootSuite but since there is no pinterest app, it was disappointing, but more than that it was extremely jumbled – and their iPad app doesn’t seem to be available in the US Apple app store, even though the website is saying it is. I found to be too complicated for me to want to navigate it every day. I played around with TweetDeck and while it’s sleek and neat, it’s only twitter (of course since it’s a Twitter product! Duh! Kathy) so that won’t work…
After checking out countless apps on iPad, I stumbled on one I already have. Flipboard! I do love the layout as far as reading new postings. I can respond, post, like and retweet as much as I want, but not all the ‘streams’ at once. And graphically, I like the news style layout. What I don’t like is that there are no notifications to view the latest updates, and I haven’t seen a section where I can view my messages or likes. But FlipBoard does have a “Covers” section that shows the latest news. I’d still like an icon badge that shows how many new items there are.
For an all in one posting app for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, I’m using HomeBase. I do like it since I can pick which ‘stream’ I post to. This means I can differentiate the personal from the business.
So this at least will work for a while until I can find something I like more. If you have suggestions for an all in one on the iPad that does all I’d like it too, give me a shout!
Have a productive day! Kathy]]>
Best Social Networking App?
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