RSS Herald? That is my cat Grayson, staring down a squirrel . A bit of background on Grayson. When she was a year old an ex boyfriend threw her against the wall (prior to Colorado’s animal cruelty laws were enacted—- hence the ‘EX’ part of boyfriend). I rushed her to the veterinarian where I was told Grayson should be mercifully put down because there was no way to determine how much damage was done to her brain from being knocked out like that. I couldn’t do it. I promised I’d care for her as long as possible until it became more humane to put her to sleep. That was fourteen years ago. She is very gentle, loves children, loves her tummy rubbed… But Grayson can’t find her toys once she hides them, and she can’t figure out how to play with feathers or string, so I believe that injury all those years ago stunted her brain growth. Grayson is a very special part of my life, she’s my companion while I work in my office. She comes to me for things like Mom I don’t feel good, or that thunder scared me Mom! For the past couple of months, Grayson has discovered the ‘Great Outdoors’. For a cat that never liked to go outside at all, was so frightened she’d run when the door opened, she’s decided that she suddenly likes it! Now, after nearly all her life, I have to be careful coming in and out so she doesn’t escape. Suddenly, at fifteen years old, she’s chasing birds and squirrels – and generally having the time of her life. She drives me crazy by meowing at the door until I finally decide its time for a coffee break and she can go play outside. But, I don’t mind. I simply smile, and basically let her do as she pleases. You see… Grayson is dying. She has chronic renal failure, and won’t live much longer. Now I’m sure there are many out there that say that’s not true! Grayson’s vet swears that cats and dogs can live for long times with special care, and special diets. I’ve researched Grayson’s condition thoughrally. I know that she can be given subcutaneous fluids, which are administered via a needle under the cat’s skin. Our vet even mentioned transplants. But, I’m not going to do that to Grayson. She wouldn’t understand me putting fluids in her or having to keep her on medications after a transplant. For that matter, I couldn’t do that to her anyway, it would break my heart to cause her pain. As it is now, I have a hard enough time watching her go through her symptoms, and I know she sees that. But every day that’s a good day is one more cherished memory. In my heart, I know that the day will come when Grayson will tell me its time, and I’ll have to end her suffering. I am praying though, that Grayson does it her way and just goes to sleep dreaming of squirrels. The best resource I’ve discovered is the Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Center at Thanks for listening. Kathy]]>
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