To Whom It May Concern:
In this day businesses are facing challenges from every direction, change is the only constant. Staying focused and having the support of someone who anticipates, is proactive, and can reach varied connections between her clients and their customers can sometimes be the critical competitive advantage necessary for a small to medium business.
Kathy and her operation are more than services, individually helping and supporting a client’s business. The synergy of all these services is a partner who reaches into each client and helps them get to their individual goal and to reach the next stage of their success. No matter what changes in their environment, no matter what circumstances with their customers, or what challenges arise, by the very nature of business.
Kathy is proactive, anticipatory, absolutely transparent, and more than that has improved the very nature of the message and relationships I have of the business with all my clients. She, in fact, has raised the bar in my business, in my relationships, and in my growth with those customers.
Her breadth of technology, her knowledge of administration, her ability to communicate, her follow-through and her proactivity, all come together as I have said, to form a dynamic partnership that increases the bond between every one of her clients and their customers. I actively recommend and recognize that she has taken the art of being a virtual assistant to the next level. If anything, she is a master.
Feel free to contact me for further information. 908-771-0512.